A public Wi-Fi access point is like a public restroom. All kinds of businesses along travel routes offer restrooms to bring in customers. They offer free Wi-Fi for the same reason. The fact is, finding Wi-Fi on the road has become a lot easier over the past ten years. You just have to know where to look for it. Ronald will hook you up : As you get out into the sparsely populated areas on the way to grandma’s house, the McDonald’s at the end of an interstate off-ramp might be your best chance for connecting to the Internet. The chain offers free Wi-Fi in more than 11,500 of its restaurants. In some cases, you need only pull into the parking lot to get in range of the network. In most cases you’ll reach a McDonald’s splash page, and just have to click through to connect. It’s no surprise to find a McDonald’s within the cluster of gas stations, hotels, and truck stops at many interstate off-ramps. But over the past five years, I’ve noticed a lot more Starbucks ...