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Showing posts with the label group mathematics

What I Know as a Mathematician

These are somethings i find fascinating about mathematics so i'd like to share my views. It was first in my abstract algebra's class i realized, how Mathematics almost ran every course of nature. It became obvious and clear. The excitement of this revelation was enormous, every thought and reason came rushing together and it all started to make sense. How could a newly born child possibly recognize his mother? or sense danger? Express anger? And most importantly familiarize? Exists in nature? True. But the phenomenon through which, is what we know as Mathematics. Now Let me explain what i have stated above. When i was learning group theory, its elements their properties, sets and mappings.It is then i understood that categorizing does not start from this class but from the very moment of ones existence. The identification of color red and what attributes to it? How do i classify it as red? of course, its properties! N...