If you can get through these without cracking a smile, you should check your pulse. 1. The kittens who activated a vacuum cleaner. i.imgur.com 2. The dog who got winter figured out. imgur.com 3. The huskies who just want to make you comfortable. wifflegif.com 4. The cat who resents you very much. i.imgur.com 5. A dog who suddenly realized what was REALLY going on here. imgur.com 6. The surprise attack. imgur.com 7. F$%( THIS. gifrific.com 8. The most fabulous llama. littleanimalgifs.tumblr.com 9. Please stop. imgur.com 10. The great escape. animalygifs.tumblr.com 11. The cat who’s definitely plotting something sinister. imgur.com 12. The butt sniff gone terribly wrong. imgur.com 13. Flirting. littleanimalgifs.tumblr.com 14. The cat who can’t believe how sad “The Lion King” ...